He’s wall-eyed, has a weathered

He‘s wall-eyed, has a weathered face, stocking cap, & a thin goatee. He came up to me one day and asked if I had any baseball cards that I could give him. I don’t know where that came from, maybe he saw me reading a comic and assumed I was a collector.

So over the last couple of years he’s been coming up to me and asking if I have any cards, pictures, slides, or anything for him. I always tell him no and then we’ll walk a little and he’ll tell me a convoluted story about finding a box of slides in a dumpster or about someone giving him their expired passport.

His stories are kind of difficult to explain, because they kind of have there own logic and he sometimes leaves out key parts of the story.

One time I was having lunch with a friend at Noodle Studio, he walked by and waved. A couple of weeks later he said, “Last time you were with your wife.”

He’s starting to grow on me. He’s some kind of anthropologist/artist. That’s what I’ve decided.

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