Wrong, Wrong

I recently fretted about some local store closings. Now I need to make a partial retraction.

I ate at Julia’s the day after it opened, and though I made some half-hearted jokes implying otherwise, I didn’t really miss Eileen’s much. The food was fine. My fellow diners’ scorn for the Liza Minelli posters decorating the wall was all in good fun. Though I tried my hardest I couldn’t bring much of a sense of loss to the surface. I still get a little shock when I see the big friendly windows instead of Eileen’s lopsided brick entrance. I guess I miss Eileen’s exterior more than I do the actual place.

The shelf paper was recently removed from the Green Cat Cafe’s windows and the legal notice on the door was swapped with a friendly note indicating that it would reopen sometime soon. I walked by today and saw a couple of men (including, if I’m not mistaken, the original manager) doing some remodeling work.

Clark Humphrey‘s Obituaries column in the Stranger, sometimes chronicles the closing and movement of Seattle businesses (though this week’s column is all death notices). Humphrey uses his nostalgia for and deep knowledge of Seattle’s recent past to find obscure threads of cause-and-effect that would otherwise go unnoticed.

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