Did you see a dozen or more people wandering around downtown Seattle and waving cameras around. Or did you see different views of the same subject on several photologs? That would have been the first Seattle Photologgers Summit and Field Trip. Manuel has a list of the participants and here’s a list of the postings that I’ve seen:
buffoonery.org, Gingerly, Leep, Tandoku, burning paper, Flipdingo
Update 6/18/03 – More photos: inscrutable burrito, Throwing More Than Shapes, Jerry Kindall, More at Flipdingo, thenyoudiscover.com.
I like that one photo of the guy on the ground, getting a long shot of all those rungs with the squirrel in the background! I would like to see that shot of the rungs. Do you know who it was?
That’s Johnny at flipdingo.com.
Jeff, your “Lone Businessman Reflects on Plaza” photo is great. Good to see you yesterday.
I wasn’t the only one enjoying the ground in Freeway Park…. I too like the lone businessman. It would make a great motivational type poster for Solitude.
Nice to see you at the meetup at Bauhaus. I enjoy your photos. Who is the man in the old picture at top left?
It was good meeting everyone.
Fran, I don’t know who the man is, it’s a found photo. I picked it from a stack of photos at a used bookstore.