Desperately looking for a last second Christmas present? Here’s what’s open in my neighborhood:
- 99 Cent Store: candles, sunglasses, water pistols
- Jack in the Box
- My Favorite Piroshky: Russian dinner pastries
- Hollywood Video
- Twice Sold Tales: used books
- Castle Superstore: adult gifts
- Espresso Vivace Coffee Stand
- TNT Espresso
- Blooms on Broadway: flowers
- the friendly Thai Restaurant
- Glade Market: beef jerky, cigarettes
Well I think that’s at least 3 times as many places as was open in my neighborhood – there was a Starbucks open, a Safeway, and a gas station. I suppose the Safeway would be good for a gift of wine and cheese! Me, I needed milk.
And Walgreen’s. Don’t forget about them. They bailed our butt out 8pm on Christmas Eve when I found out we needed a gift for my brother’s wife’s brother’s child….
Those Taco Bell folks are better at burrito-making than spelling.
Ali Baba was open, too…